Friday, September 10, 2010

Be Still

Sometimes we get so caught up in busyness, thinking that as soon as we get this or that done, then we can sit down and relax and maybe even spend some quiet time with God. Unfortunately, it seems that the more we do, the more we find to do.  It honestly can never end - until we decide to simply STOP.

Jesus always had something to do. People were always needing His time and attention, but even He knew when to stop. Even when people were clamoring around Him with all their wants and needs, Jesus would simply stop and walk away. Sometimes he would get in a boat and row to the other shore to be alone with God and rest. Other times He would receive an invitation to someone's house and just enjoy the fellowship. Even God in human form needed to stop and rest.
So do we.

Ironically, when we make ourselves just stop and rest and spend time with God, we can actually feel more energized and relaxed at the same time.  Priorities are sometimes rearranged and we get more done. Nothing on this earth can be done more effectively without God.  So, to actually put Him before all our activity, makes us more productive and joyful all the way around.
"Be still, and know that I am God;" Psalm 46:10


Monday, September 6, 2010

Dependent Security

We all want to be loved and appreciated, we want to feel secure. As long as we look to, or rely on others for this, our dependence falls on fallible human beings to fulfill this yearning. Even if there are those who make us feel this way, we still tend to suffer from the fear that it will one day end, which robs us of the very security we seek from them. We can become too reliant on others for our own happiness, which ironically drives us further into self and fear.

It is only when we let go of self and purposely dwell on God that we will find all that we have been searching for. God made us to know Him and searching outside of Him leads us further away from the very thing we want ~ unconditional love. God promises that He'll never leave us or forsake us. There is total security in Him alone. We may not always feel His presence, but that never alters His Presence. He is constantly with us, our feelings don't alter His existence. The key is what, or Who, we choose to think of. Our dwelling on God and His promises open the door to our awareness of Him, our fulfillment with Him and our ultimate ability to freely love others because of Him. God's own love is meant to dwell in us, we were created to experience His love and be free to give it out to others. Then we will be free indeed.

But God demonstrated His own love for us in this: while we were sinners, Christ died for us.
Romans 5:8

He doesn't wait until we are good enough, He loves us just as we are.

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.
Hebrews 13:5

God bless your day in His unconditional love for YOU :)